Draft programme

7 April 2025
8 April 2025
9 April 2025

Symposium on “Advancements of Microbiology”

Symposium dedicated to doctoral students, during which they will give oral presentations and compete for awards. The competition panel, consisting of members of the scientific committee and invited-speakers, will select the group of finalists.
Main Conference - day 1

Sessions and presentations, as follows:
Pathogen Genomics
AMR Diagnostics
Host - Pathogen Interactions
Antimicrobial Therapies
Microbiomes Associated with Diseases
New techniques - Novel insights
Environmental Microbiology
Microbial Biotechnology
Biodiversity Data Management
Main Conference - day 2

Sessions and presentations, as follows:
Pathogen Genomics
AMR Diagnostics
Host - Pathogen Interactions
Antimicrobial Therapies
Microbiomes Associated with Diseases
New techniques - Novel insights
Environmental Microbiology
Microbial Biotechnology
Biodiversity Data Management